Corrado Levi
Fui una leggera
lʼironia battei
sterzai in curva
(I was lightness / Beat the irony / Swerving on curves)
This poem emblematically sums up the way of being, thinking, writing and acting of Corrado Levi. Lightness will be the starting point of this conversation that ideally concludes the exhibition Quasi, autoamori di Johnny e Una poesia. The panelists will use the space of the exhibition as a gathering place to discuss the many facets of the figure of Corrado Levi and what he has directly or indirectly represented, and still represents: the artistic experience, which has been of fundamental importance for an artist like Stefano Arienti and for a whole generation that in the 1990s worked under the sign of lightness, as Luca Cerizza thorizes in his book L’uccello e la piuma. La questione della leggerezza nell’arte italiana, et al./edizioni, Milan, 2010; the experience as an architect and teacher who has trained more than one generation of young architects, like Beppe Finessi, design historian and a student of Levi; finally, the activity as a writer and poet, which Liliana Rampello, essayist and literary critic, will discuss as a fundamental aspect of Levi’s work, which somehow connects and contains all the other aspects.