Effetto Venturi #10

Meris Angioletti. Dance as a metaphor of thought

In The Birth of Tragedy Nietzsche identifies dance as the principle metaphor of thought, as it is a form of thought liberated by the spirit of the thinker. Dance implies, in this sense, surrender to the individual and rational self, to a somatic perception of existence, a muscular transmission of knowledge. “The Mind is a Muscle,” Yvonne Rainer said. The workshop calls for an introduction through images and a bodily reading of selected texts on choreographic, artistic and anthropological experiences in which dance is approached as an expanded maieutic experience: the thought that emerges from the body. Participants should bring comfortable clothing, a blanket and music.

Effetto Venturi is a cycle of seminars and meetings on issues tied to the transmission of artistic know-how that Peep-Hole is organizing at the Museo del Novecento. During 2015 Effetto Venturi intends to develop the reflections on education in the sphere of art, offering a ‘temporary school’ inside the museum, where invited artists can organize seminar work starting with specific thematic units.