Issue #01 – Summer 2009
“Writing has always been central to my artwork as is evidenced by the extended role that the written scenario has taken in the work since the commencement of McNamarain 1992, through to the current project Construcción de Uno(2004 onwards), but it was the pressure to write to deadlines that enabled me to make the written word a crucial component of my art”.* For this first issue of Peep-Hole SheetLiam Gillick presents Stories, a text that was originally intended as a speech at a conference about the roles of galleries and critics held at the Hôtel des Arts, Fondation Nationale des Arts, in Paris in September 1992. The subject thus serves as the starting point to address the artist’s role and position in the world. Gillick does this through five stories, and the seeming divergence from the theme becomes a device for generating doubts and paradoxes full of significance.
*Liam Gillick, Proxemics. Selected Writings (1998-2006), JRP|Ringier & Les Presses du Réel, 2006, p.10.
Liam Gillick (UK, 1964) lives and works in New York.
Peep-Hole Sheet is a quarterly of writings by artists. Each issue is dedicated solely to one artist, who is invited to contribute with an unpublished text whose content is completely free in terms both of subject and format. The texts are published in their original language, with accompanying translation in English. Peep-Hole Sheet is meant for those who believe artists are catalysts for ideas all around us, and who want to read their words without any filter. Over time it aspires to build up an anthology of writings that might open new perspectives for interpreting and understanding our times. Peep-Hole Sheet is published and distributed by Mousse Publishing.