Issue #09 – Summer 2011
With the ninth issue begins the third series of Peep-Hole Sheet. For the occasion, we make an exception to the rule of presenting always one artist-one text and we are keen to publish a four-hands contribution by artists Giuseppe Gabellone and Diego Perrone. Come posso descriverti quello che non c’è, il mostro di cui ti hanno raccontato? is a free exchange of thoughts about two exhibition projects that never materialized, on which the two artists worked together. Laid out in the form of short chapters, it highlights various references, suggestions and motivations that guided the conception of these two invisible undertakings…
Giuseppe Gabellone (Brindisi, 1973) lives and works in Paris. Diego Perrone (Asti, 1970) lives and works in Milan.
Peep-Hole Sheet is a quarterly of writings by artists. Each issue is dedicated solely to one artist, who is invited to contribute with an unpublished text whose content is completely free in terms both of subject and format. The texts are published in their original language, with accompanying translation in English. Peep-Hole Sheet is meant for those who believe artists are catalysts for ideas all around us, and who want to read their words without any filter. Over time it aspires to build up an anthology of writings that might open new perspectives for interpreting and understanding our times. Peep-Hole Sheet is published and distributed by Mousse Publishing.